Wednesday, January 14, 2009


At the precise moment when you were born, the entire sky was lined up in a certain way, and that is what makes you unique. Although the position of the sun has been our primary focus, since it exerts the strongest influence, it is impossible to give an accurate astrological profile without considering the influence of all the other heavenly bodies. Each plays a role in determining your personality, and it is important that you learn about them to get a complete picture. It is a far more complicated procedure than the parameters of this blog will allow, however, so it is advisable to see a practicing astrologer to get a true reading.
Briefly, here are the secondary signs, and their influence on you:
The rising sign: The rising sign is the one that was just coming up on the eastern horizon at the moment you were born. All twelve signs will rise each day—roughly one every two hours—so it is determined by learning the exact time of day you were born. It gets complicated, though, when you consider daylight savings time and particularly the location of your birth, because all measurements are taken using Greenwich Mean Time— so then you have to figure out how many hours away from this particular spot in England is your birthplace. The point is, don't try this alone.
Your rising sign is the second-most influential determiner of your personality, so it's quite advantageous to know it. For instance, if your sun sign is Aries, but your rising sign is Cancer, you'll probably have all the strong-willed leadership qualities of Aries but a great deal more sensitivity and sympathy toward others, and you'll also stay home more than a typical Aries. The sun sign will dominate, but the rising sign will play its part.
The moon sign: The moon governs emotions, so its effect should not be taken lightly, especially when forecasting the future. Wouldn't you like to know when you're most likely to feel overwhelming joy or intense sorrow?
Finding your moon sign requires a calendar that charts all phases of the moon from year to year, and this will again be something any astrologer will have ready.
The houses: This is where it gets really complicated. The houses are twelve imaginary divisions of the sky. Since a complete orbit of the sky is 360 degrees, each house is 30 degrees wide. The concept here is that when you were born, each planet was in a different section, or house, of the sky. Don't confuse your own planetary ruler or the sun or moon or even your rising sign with this idea. Every planet has an influence on your personality—to what degree and over what area depends on where they were. In fact, your daily horoscope is based largely on the movements of all the planets through these houses—that's what makes every day unique.
The first house, for example, determines physical appearance, so if Venus was here at the moment of your birth, you're probably quite beautiful, more so than others of your sign (if you're not already, say, a Libra or Aquarius).
Each of the other eleven houses represents a different characteristic, so if s fun to chart these as well.

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