Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The Fate Line

Although it is not considered one of the three major lines, because not everyone has one, the fate line is almost as important. If you see a vertical line nearly bisecting your palm from bottom to top, you indeed have one. It normally begins near the wrist and crosses the head and heart lines, ending somewhere near the base of the fingers (especially the second finger).Having a fate line means you have a strong goal in life, and are working hard towards achieving it. Virtually every successful person has one, because it's rare to reach the top without a strong goal and the drive to get there.The fate line is also a bit of a good luck charm— people who have it experience fewer mishaps in life, and when crises do come, they seem to overcome them more smoothly. It's almost as if it were a guide, a protector that steers them along the right path. If you do not show a fate line, you are probably not driven to succeed in any one field. You may be at a point where you're still wondering what to do with your life, or perhaps you made a major mistake earlier and now seem stuck in a hopeless pattern. It's always possible to change your life for the better, and chances are if you find the key to success, a fate line will soon appear, confirming the strength of your new decision.Occasionally, a person without a fate line will succeed financially, but this is usually the result of either odd fortune—such as a sudden inheritance or lottery windfall—or the result of other factors. Hollywood entertainment executives, for example, are famous for "failing upward"—that is, receiving a better offer from a company after being fired from their previous job. Many of these types do not have fate lines, but experience a different definition of success that comes through being in the right place at the right time and knowing how to play the game (by virtue, usually, of a strong head line).The position at which the fate line begins is an indication of the point in time you decided on your path. If it begins inside the life line, you were under a strong family influence early in life, and it took a while before you became independent enough to pursue your dream on your own. The benefit of this is that you probably have a strong foundation of morals and caring for others—you may be successful in life, but it won't come at the expense of family.If your fate line begins outside the life line, it indicates a sense of independence very early in life. You've always preferred your own way of doing things, and this tendency will keep you from getting trapped in career corners throughout life.Some people have fate lines that begin towards the outside of the palm, which emphasize the independent streak even more. In this case, you likely did not have a strong family structure at all—perhaps you were an only child from a broken home or even an orphan—so you learned to be on your own at a very young age. Ironically, this usually indicates a career in the public eye: as if to compensate for the lack of family as a child, you will seek to find acceptance in the multitudes. Many performers and artists fit this profile. Almost all will say they decided to become performers as a very small child.So if the starting point represents a childhood decision, what is the time scale of the remainder of the fate line? Well, it's not exactly linear. Since the fate line most commonly represents career goals, its scale is weighted towards the point at which those are accomplished. The point where the fate line crosses the head line is age thirty-five. This is most commonly the age at which people settle into their path and attain a sense of order to their lives.From there, it's usually very straight until it crosses the heart line, at age forty-nine. These years are usually stable, during which time you're earning money and raising a family.Quite often, the fate line will end at age forty-nine. Again, this does not indicate longevity of life but the attainment of life goals. Once you've reached them, you become more relaxed and set in your ways. If your fate line continues on from this point, you will enjoy a continued sense of variety in life—and that is often an indicator of longevity. You might also notice a slight break around age forty-nine. Again, this indicates—especially for very independent people—a will that is just not satisfied with the attainment of the first goal. You'll find a new challenge, and enjoy a stimulating new path later in life.You might notice an adjoining line that runs parallel to your fate line. This simply means you have more than one goal, more than one interest in life. Perhaps you have a hobby that excites you so much it becomes a second career goal. Or maybe you're a "Renaissance man" (or woman), with an unsatiable appetite for variety to go along with your drive for success. This is fine, but remember that it's nearly impossible in our specialized world to be an expert—and a success—in more than one or two fields.The point at which your fate line ends is also important. If it runs straight upward toward your second finger, as is most common, you have chosen a stable, productive role in society—you're likely a businessperson or executive or teacher. If it veers towards your third finger, your path is more creative—perhaps you're a musician, actor, architect, or designer. If it runs all the way toward your little finger, a very rare instance, you are a born communicator (since the little finger represents Mercury, the messenger)—you're an ideal entertainer, public speaker, or broadcaster.Quite often, the definition of fate lines will vary in one palm. The stronger it looks, the stronger your will to succeed at that point in life. So if it's blurry or vague, you too are (or were) unclear of your direction at the time indicated. If it shows a break, that indicates a career change. If it joins the life line at any point, your family takes precedence over your own will at that stage of life. If there's a square surrounding it at any point, feel fortunate. You are protected from potential hazards, and will come through them without losing momentum.

The Health Line

If you have a health line, it will begin somewhere near the palm, usually inside the life line, then continue diagonally across the hand towards the little finger. If you do not have one, don't worry. In fact, it is a very positive sign not to have one—you are in great health, you are very relaxed and stress-free and you probably are resistant to little annoying bugs like colds and flus.If you do have one, it should be well-defined. If it's clear and long, running all the way to the little finger, you'll enjoy a long, healthy life. Sure, you may have the odd occurrence of a minor setback here or there—everyone does—but your constitution is strong enough to outlast them easily.If your health line is indistinct, you probably have health problems. Little changes often make a powerful difference in these cases—try altering your diet and getting more exercise.If it varies in quality, it indicates health setbacks. Breaks are indicative of periods of illness or injury. If, however, a break is surrounded by a square, you will be protected and enjoy a smooth recovery.

The Sun Line

This is a special line that indicates great success—even fame—in your chosen field. It runs parallel to your fate line, usually beginning near your head line and running upward towards your third finger.If you show a clearly-defined sun line, you have the potential for greatness. If it begins lower on your palm, near the wrist, you will have already enjoyed great achievement, and its length will determine how long you enjoy your success. In these rare cases, the sun line sometimes ends before the head line, indicating brilliant early success, then a burn-out. Child actors, for instance, might show such a line.Most sun lines vary in intensity, showing breaks or other defects. This is actually common, because great success does not usually come free of obstacles. A break, for instance, indicates financial problems. More breaks indicate versatility, but usually people with this characteristic spread themselves too thin over too many areas. A square, as usual, is a sign of protection from harm—in this case, you'll experience trouble in the career world, but will emerge free of damage to your reputation and stability.

Medical Stigmata

If you show three or four short parallel vertical lines under your little finger, you are blessed with a wonderful healing touch. This is called the Medical Stigmata, so named because those who have it tend to be drawn toward the healing pro-

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