Thursday, January 15, 2009


Zeitgeist:Addendum was a movie I saw yesterday, which I was reluctant to see because I didn't like it's predecessor. I found that it's predecessor tried to cover too many topics and is constantly out of focus. This therefore, sacrificed the quality of it's individual arguments for many different cases. In the first Zeitgeist, I felt many of the arguments made were weak, circumstantial and with very shady sources. I was not a fan, a meet up group I'm in said that the second one would be discussed, so reluctantly I watched it, expecting it to be more of the same.

Boy was I ever wrong.

n Zeitgeist I, not one single clip from the movie has any real experts interviewed to discuss the subjects. In Zeitgeist II, people are pulled in from the Venus Project, who, like the creator believes our economic system needs to be completely changed and this expert presents his points better than Peter Joseph ever could. He also brings in a former "economic hit man" to a personal reflection on his duties in Latin America, and to talk about U.S. coups in general since the 1953 overthrow of the Shah of Iran. This part of the movie is particularly insightful and what I believe was the highlight. Many of the facts in this section, and the movie in general were facts that I knew were true, something which Zeitgeist I predominantly couldn't do. In Zeitgeist I, many conspiracy theories, many of which only really gave shady coincidences and was given too little evidence to back up, because they wanted to cover so many areas they couldn't prove their arguments, making the movie weak. This movie is much more focused in subject matter and I'd say 60-75% of the facts in this movie are backed up by at least one clear, reliable source or is just common knowledge. I was amazed by how many obviously true statements of common knowledge were made in this movie, but the applications in the ideas are anything but common and I was impressed by this.

Simply put point blank, Zeitgeist II is much more worth seeing than Zeitgeist I. It's more focused and sources many more of it's facts than Zeitgeist I, but it in fact doesn't lose but grows it's edge and it's charisma and ability to make you think, which were present in both movies. Maybe you'll agree with me, maybe you think I'm full of it, you decide. But I guarantee that if you want a movie that presents a good amount of common knowledge and makes you think about the world around you, this is a good pick.

Genre:Documentary History War
Imdb : 9.1/10

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